Thursday, March 27, 2008


I changed the thermocouples that I picked up and loaded her up with a new batch of green ware and 3 hours later....she shut off again!!! Bailey's called this afternoon to let me know that my back order is in already, good news. I'm going to get it tomorrow morning, change it, re-load and try again. I didn't get to see the error message on the control panel, so I'm not even sure that will fix it, but I hope it does. I'm now about 4 days behind schedule. But, at least I have enough work to do 2 glaze firings back to back.
It was fairly nice out today and I did manage to spend some time outside, cleaning up the yard and checking out the flowers that have started to peak out of the ground. I even have half a dozen crocus blooming. And, Dudley had his first tick of the season yesterday. DOA. However much I hate putting that chemically Advantix stuff on him, there are just too many ticks around here....sometimes I wish they made it for humans. I did manage to work on my taxes this evening (BORING) and post a couple of things in my Etsy shop. Including this pendant that I am quite pleased with. I rarely layer glazes, but I love this green/blue combination.

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