Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bad girl.

And I was doing so well....

So right after my last post I got sick....very sick. I didn't get back into the studio for a couple of days. I always hate not being able to work. It's okay if it's planned, but those couple of days got me WAY behind. I started back to work and then Jon started spring break. I'm always quite a bit distracted when he's home, making sure he has food to eat, hearing him walking around, wondering what the hell he's doing in the kitchen...I love having him around, but always find it more difficult to get to work. I feel so lucky to have a studio at home and not have to drive anywhere, but I always feel guilty when I'm not working and also guilty when Jon's home and I'm closed up in the studio.

I've been working non-stop. I have 2 big orders just about finished. They were both mostly bowls, serving as well as large soup bowls. I've still been trying to get ahead for the summer. I don't really do craft shows, maybe 3 total for the year. I hate the heat of summer shows and the hoopla of the holiday shows. But June is coming fast and I'm already starting to panic. Not to mention the beginning of wedding and anniversary season! ((and making my own wedding presents for my bestest friend in the world who is getting married on 8-8-08 in mexico! just finalized the reservations last week!))

I realized I was slacking on 2 of my best selling designs...chicks and my original thrown tripods. I have 16(and counting) chicks waiting to be glazed and a whole lot of tripods awaiting legs and carving. I decided to take some in progress pics of my chicks, I'll just have to remember to post a pic of them all glazed.

I also had a problem on Friday when one of my thermocouples failed during a bisque firing. Fortunately it stopped just shy of temperature. The cone had just started to bend, so I'm not going to worry about re-firing the work. I decided on replacing all of them, but of course, Bailey's had all but one. So I picked up what they had and I'll have to wait for the last one. Not a big deal. I'm about to go replace them now...

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