Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This one made it on to the front page of Etsy today. It got 400 views in 2 min. Crazy.


Anonymous said...

congrats... if you don't mind me asking, how did you get it to the front page? or you didn't have anything to do with it?

shoshonasnow said...

Sometimes it's from a treasury that someone put together and it got picked by Etsy for the front page. Other times (like this one) it's a group of work picked by Esty. Everything was found by searching the term "garden". So no, I had nothing to do with it. I was the featured seller once. I just got an email one day giving me 2 days notice.

Sherry said...

Oh, that's a beauty. How nice you you got an "outdoor" break with a friend.

I too, had an enormous spike in international sales. I get them from etsy, but much more from my website.